Saturday, July 14, 2012

Life in Orlando

It's been almost forever since I wrote anything up here, but things have been somewhat crazy in my life lately.  Since my last post, I graduated and have moved down to Orlando for a while with the Disney College Program.  I'm working as a Photopass Photographer in Epcot and I'm loving it so much.  By the end of my work week, I will have officially earned my ears and have finished training, which is super exciting.

But the real reason that I'm starting this blog again is that I'm finally going to start taking the whole getting into shape thing seriously.  As a freshly graduated 21 year old, it's time for me to get my life together and figure out what's really important to me.  I have, basically my whole life, hated the way that I looked but have always been too lazy to do anything about it.  Starting now, that all ends.  No more complaining about stuff like that when I can start working out and eating somewhat better.

Today I'm starting my daily gym trips.  Since I'm in the Disney apartments, we have gyms in our apartment complexes as well as pools.  Most of the people hanging out in the pools aren't swimming for exercise, so I'm not really gonna plan on swimming laps for a little while.  Until I get the urge to do that, I'm going to be doing cardio in the gym.  Today, I spent 25 minutes on the elliptical machine, so running 2 miles, and then did 150 reps of some arm workout using 30 lbs.  

My plan is to update this daily with my progress just as a way to help keep myself on track with my goals.

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